
【2015/07/Outside Class】第三期之『英式橄榄球知多少』?

发表日期:2015-07-26    点击:


Hi guys!三伏天即使你和烧烤之间只差一撮孜然,但也阻止不了沃们对运动的热爱!就是这么任性~OK,今天沃带大家走近的是英式橄榄球——Rugby['rʌgbɪ]

等等,Rugby是什么鬼?我们非常有必要先来缕一缕以下三种球类活动的关系:American Football在中国叫橄榄球,但是在美国叫足球(football),橄榄球对美国人来说是英国人玩的Rugby (英式橄榄球),中国人踢的足球在美国叫Soccer -乱套了么?那么我们今天要说的Touch Rugby又是啥?

Touch Rugby那些事儿

Rugby was invented in England in 1845. Rugby is a very fast, exciting but sometimes very violent game! Touch  Rugby is a fun, much safer type of Rugby. You do not need to be big and strong to play!

英式橄榄球起源于1845年,经过一百多年的发展、演变,形成了英式、美式、澳式等不同风格的橄榄球运动。英式橄榄球Rugby其实是一种非常激烈甚至有些暴力的运动,但是Touch Rugby是英式橄榄球中更加安全有趣的那类,不是大块头也可以玩!

A big Rugby player…

But anyone can play Touch Rugby!

The ball we use is longer and thinner than a soccer ball.

Rules about Touch Rugby

In Touch Rugby, two teams play against each other. Each team starts in opposite halves of the field/pitch. It is best to play with 5-7 people on each team. You can play on grass or on sand. Do not play on  hard surfaces like concrete!

Touch Rugby中有两个队对抗,每个队最好5-7人,你可以在草地或沙滩上玩,千万不要在类似水泥地这种硬地上玩。

To win, your team must score the most tries. To score a try, you must place the ball in your opponent’s end-zone.

你的队必须得分最高才能赢,因此你必须要把球放到对方的 end-zone。

You can carry the ball with your hands, and you can also pass the ball to your teammates. You can only pass to the side or backwards, never forwards. If you make a forward pass, the  referee  will blow his whistle and give the other team a penalty. Your opponents will now have the ball and you will have to move back 5 metres!

你可以用手拿着球,也能传给你的队友,但是你只能传给旁边或者后面的队友,不能传给前面的。如果你往前传球, 裁判会吹哨,给对方一个点球,届时你将不得不退回5米。

If you drop the ball, anyone can take it. If you throw or carry the ball outside of the pitch (to the left or right side), then your opponent gets to make a throw-in/line-in.

如果你的球掉了,任何人都可以抢它。如果你带球出界, 那么你的对手可以获得一个边线球。

Your team must move back 5 metres, and someone on your opponent’s team can throw the ball to their team (they still cannot throw forwards!).


When your opponents have the ball,  you can stop them moving towards your end-zone, by touching the person carrying the ball (you cannot touch a player without the ball!). You can touch anywhere on their body, clothes or on the ball they are carrying. Be gentle! The referee will not allow aggressive touches or pushes and  your opponent will get a penalty if you are aggressive.


This touch is ok…

This touch is not ok!

When  you  have touched a player, they must stop moving, and your team must move back 5 metres from them. The player who was touched  must then roll the ball backwards between their legs and their teammates can pick the ball up and pass it. Your team can now start moving forwards again!


The referee will count the number of touches you have made against your opponent’s team. Once this reaches 5 touches, the referee will stop the game and give your team the ball. This is called a turnover. Your opponents’team will have to move back 5 metres,and you can then run or pass the ball between your team. If there is a penalty, throw-in, or possession  of the ball changes, then the referee will start counting from zero touches again.


The game can last as long as you want, but a good time for beginners is 40 minutes. After half the time has gone, the referee will stop the game. You can take a break! When the game restarts, the teams swap halves of the field.




Hey guys~现在你了解Touch Rugby的玩法了吗?趁着夏天,约起小伙伴来到海边一起嗨起来吧!!!



上一篇:【2015/07/Outside Class】第二期之『舌尖上的红酒·Wine Tasting』
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